Wednesday, November 28, 2007



I am interested by the term CAWI - Computer Assisted Web Interview. Is this not so much of a tautology to be a meaningless term? I presume that it's derivation is to offer some kind of consistency and compliment to the research field in terms of CAPI, CATI and so on.

Beyond that above I wonder if the term CAWI is a disservice to our Interactive options. Are we interviewing people in future or conversing? Who is the computer assisting? I just think that we always see Interactive as a method in this paradigm because it looks like what has gone before when what we need is a healthy dose of what Interactive could deliver beyond interviews. Call it a platform etc.

Back to Korea.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Panel Management

On the way to work this morning I was thinking about the term panel management. What does that actually mean? And then I thought about an interesting twist to that notion.

Personally I am fascinated by juicing more from people and myself - how we raise creativity, innovation and performance. And I don't really see that coming from kpi's and goals since that just sounds like the Management 1.0 talk down. Actually the most remarkable efforts in human society have come from passion, discovery and going out on a limb in the face of adversity. So we need to stop aggregating human effort and mobilise effort by enabling passion, enabling people to reach their personal goal within a framework. That is the only way to build performance. It's about amplifying human effort, about everyone having a say and being creative.

That to me is what management is about. Not panel management. But Interactive management. Funny - it also sounds like the community principle: community from panels, community to MANAGE the panels.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Everyone Else is Doing It. So Why Can't I?

I have heard it said recently that Second Life seems to come up at every conference as some future way to conduct market research. This is probably true! It seems to be that some people are reading 2.0 and using SL as some metaphor for a new delivery platform whilst others say 'that's not the way that the internet is going'.

I would like to add three perspectives here if I may.

a) Again, this is a triumph of form over function like we have with panels and ESOMAR. It's not SL that matters per se (good luck to them), but what does matter is that we play in a space. We dabble and we learn virtual skills that can serve our clients for the future. Let's not get caught up in SL mania

b) Those who look and commentate in this space tend to do some from a western perspective. (Again read my ESOMAR points on panels). As such they miss the rich virtual texture of something like cyWorld in Korea which is much more advanced and grained into the cultural and social fabric (for various different reasons). These are the areas we should be dabbling in!

c) I have heard it said that over time the real and the virtual persona come together. I think that this is correct. What I not always agree with however is that the virtual becomes like the real. If we look at Korea the real world starts to resemble the virtual world in terms of persona because a 'god' on-line is a simple shopkeeper (with respect) in the real world. That's the yearning effect and that is where research opportunity comes from in a projected world

That's my bit.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Marketing, not as we know it

....In this Blog I always try to push. I don't want to accept Apple Pie.

I would like to make a short statement about marketing and research. Most standards talk about the separation of the two, that it must be pure research and not involve marketing. I can see the reason for this, especially when we think of the CATI era where we needed to preserve response rates to research against those telemarketers!

But in the engagement era is it not different? Are consumer conversations both marketing and research at the same time? When we build permission based research participants do we need to think in that way? For example when we recruit these people we often use marketers and we suddenly become marketing technique experts! The very people that we engage with are marketing people who often sell services across the industry.

I think that we should always challenge ourselves and not just accept rules because they may actually be in place to support a previous paradigm. I am not saying that it isn't right, but what I am saying is that we need to think about it.

Thursday, November 15, 2007



....Ok ESOMAR is done. The long flight home is over. The world view is out there that we must source ideas from the East if we are to maximise on quality. Of course this is largely glossed over, but I expected this. It's not a flat world. Even that is written by a westerner and is slightly flawed.

My favourite app at the moment is the Panel Contest. That's a community for me and working in good areas. What are your favourites?

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