Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Free Prize Inside....

....I am just back from Bangkok and the fresh(er) air has re-ignited my creative thinking.

Some more rifts for you....

- How do we make a panel / community remarkable from its inception? (I just said it again!)

- Why do we always focus on panels as the ultimate source of Interactive quality (Tell me about your panel management) when the truth is that this restricts us to arguments and discourses about panel size, activities, response rates and number of surveys. Are those really the only important metrics? It isn't the panel that's important per se, it's what it delivers that matters. And that's high quality data - and to do that we need stronger protocols on data quality, checking, questionnaire quality platforms and so on. Let's move the game on....I don't want to hear about my panel is better than yours anymore....It's no more the whole picture than my engine of my car is bigger or better than yours

- Using location based awareness technology can we not track where people have been in a pathway? Is this not opening many opportunities and potential to mash even with google earth?

- Why is so much panel contact restricted to e-mail? Is that not limiting?....

Friday, May 18, 2007


Some Perspectives For the Day....

Why are panels built in a particular way and then marketed differently? Surely it is making the panel remarkable in the first place that drives the marketing>? How would you do that?

How do we leverage our office space further to drive awareness, credibility and TOM amongst panelists, potential panelists and clients?

What frameworks can we use to move forwards? Go to the edge of the envelope? Where we are now at the centre and drive outwards. It's the only way to go forwards

If we want people to come around to our way of thinking we must enable them to see the inevitable conclusion of their own paradigm. For example, Interactive research.

....And then: When we want people to adopt our way of thinking we must enable them to own the idea. Why do people always need to own to adopt?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Patently Obvious

I saw today that Microsoft has issued a dossier of cases where open source has violated its patents and intellectual property rights.

And this will be an increasing trend across industries as mass collaboration platforms and movements create a realistic alternative to proprietary code.

And research is unlikely to escape this. Indeed since research is by its nature exploratory, creative, art, some science and subjective the phenomenon could impact us all greatly.


Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Adaptive Disconnects

I was reading the other day and I came across this really neat term. It seems to describe so much of my life. And I am sure your life. And everyone's lives.

It basically encapsulates any moment or period when you seem to have a different discourse or world view to another person. Capitalism vs communism; teenager vs parent etc etc.

The point about this is that it happens so often. And each party gets frustrated because they cannot make the other see their point of view. So much literature is about persuasion and control of communication ('the Agenda') to try and manipulate the other person (small m) in this instance.

What we need however is a bridge. Someone who can see both sides and is uniquely placed to move us forwards. Ok so there are only so many Jimmy Carter's. But these people who can move us forwards are priceless.

And for me the biggest adaptive disconnect situation is research. Trying to persuade researchers that on-line and engagement has positive advantages over the current and traditional approach. So who is the bridge? Who can move us forwards? It's that person(s) who can see all sides. That holistic perpsective that can cut through the dust and create traction. Execution.

Any Jimmy Carter's out there?

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