Sunday, January 21, 2007


Error Messages or Screwed Up Messages?....

I am sure that you have taken many on-line surveys. I am sure that you have seen some good ones, some fun ones and yes, many shockers...

What nearly all surveys have in common is the Error Message - you know that text at the top of the screen (usually in a red colour as though I got something wrong at school), which says 'Please enter X again. Your response is invalid' OR worse still 'You have made an incorrect response. Go back'.

There are many examples. The point is where did the fun go? Why treat a humble respondent or survey participant like they are an idiot? I swear that sometimes the error message itself is wrong!

So I say let's use every communication to engage people. And let's treat them with respect. Why do they not use your name in the error messages? The next time someone sends me a survey and this happens I am going to let the programmer and researcher have it! Does anyone REALLY get it???

Friday, January 19, 2007


IP Sourcing

I am talking about intellectual property (like technology and ideas) and not internet protocol here.

How many patents and IP's are sitting out there that could benefit the research industry? How many have been discarded by other organisations as not creating (shareholder) value yet could in the research industry - especially as we become more technologically focussed.

See you at the IP auction...I am the guy losing his hair fast - cannot miss me.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


2007. In it.

Apologies for my lack of blog entries recently. I am so busy executing the 2007 plan that I have little time to Blog.

I am creating a Flickr type environment to bring the portal to life and shine the spotlight on the panelist. Oh and bring presentations to life. No small matter then.

But I am not giving it all away. Watch this space...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Recent Tragic Events

The recent earthquake off the coast of Japan which caused a smaller Tsunami reminded us all of the power of our earth and how small we really are. Similarly the earthquake in Taiwan recently was appalling.

That earthquake in Taiwan affected the undersea internet cable. It has really upset much of Asia Pacific connectivity - in China operations were affected by this.

So the issue is - how long before we surpass the cables? There are just too many things that could happen which can throw our connectivity downwards. Wireless alternatives could clearly help in the future when such tragedies strike....

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Four Pillars of Interactive

Utilising a number of frameworks I have read recently I can see that an Interactive world can deliver the following:

- diversity
- aggregation
- collaboration
- independence

And you know the funny thing is that these four values are exactly those which can deliver better data and insights if leveraged correctly. For example:

- more key research visionaries work with the same data = collaboration
- larger sample sizes and more dispersed sampling = diversity

Now maybe I have it wrong but to me I believe that if we utilise these principles we will deliver better research and more valuable insights

And that is what Interactive can deliver. You seeing the Blue Ocean yet?..

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Shine the Spotlight on Me

Lisa Johnson in her excellent book talks about the X & Y generations wanting and warming to the above concept. Clearly Flickr is one very good example of this.

Why do we not use this more in research? On-line is clearly lacking the soft values of human interaction. Who are those 'people' doing the surveys anyway?

So what about a Flickr type application in the panel - to showcase the REAL people on the panel? Use them in the final presentation (but opt-in of course) to bring qual and quant to life - this could go in so many directions.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Cathay Pacific Open University

...I am still reading the CX Annual Report looking for those Open ideas and innovations. How did they become so good?....

- operational excellence
- style
- strong branding
- strong margins

Familiar traits to research?



I see that Philips has partnered with Second Life to help drive new ideation and concept development. In combination with the panel I wonder if qualitative research could not only benefit from such thinking (which many of us have considered) - but also such a partnership?

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Open University

We are all looking to innovate both to survive and to grow. Of course innovation can come in many forms and in all facets of our business. In order to get the edge many of us have resorted to academia or partnerships with academia - the idea that one person or one institution can deliver the next killer app. Maybe they can. However are the chances not higher if we go Open?

Open will mean that we embrace not just academia, but also other organisations who can offer critical insights based upon their experiences. Now in market research this could of course be advertising or marketing. But what about Airlines? Finance Companies? They work in sectors where there is fierce competition, price points and margins moving ever lower and similarities in their core offer.

Perhaps this is what Open can do?

Friday, January 05, 2007


It's the Recession that We Had to Have

John Major (UK Prime Minister) once said "If it is not hurting it is not working"

Paul Keating (Australian Prime Minister) once said "It is the recession that we had to have"

In both cases the recession led to significant growth after the event.

Actually this is not a political rant at all.

It is simply that in order for panels to get better and for our industry to have better panels we all need a recession. Not a recession of economics, rather a recession in our panel size through purging of those who were inactive.

Let's follow these two esteemed gentlemen (which they were regardless of your political persuasion) and take a leaf out of their book.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Open Source continued

I read today in the South China Morning Post that some organisations are now placing their advertising brief and creative brief on their website for companies to react to, contribute to and wiki. That is innovation.

So as I predicted, how long before research does this? Let's not kid ourselves and bury our heads.


iRobot. myRobot

Happy new Calendar year to you.

I read today that Bill Gates believes that robots will be ubiquitous at some point in the future. A robot in every home.

How do you engage with a robot? What is robot co-creation about?

Will robots and not the 'humans' take the surveys? If so, do we need to worry about honesty any more? Data quality? Fatigue?

Maybe all a bit facetious, but worth considering..

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