Thursday, April 19, 2007



...By the way my lack of entries recently was caused by being in Fiji. Did you really think that I would be on the internet in Fiji? Geez am I that sad?


What is This Thing Called Research?

In 1957 Alan Chalmers wrote a seminal book called "What Is This Thing Called Science?" In the work he challenges some of our deeply held and unchallenged beliefs about science and demonstrates where some of the theories we have have come from in a valuable critique.

My point here is that Research is based upon scientific principles - the belief that observation(s) and subsequent testing of hypotheses will lead to linear progress and understanding. Both Qualitative and Quantitative (especially) stem from these schools. Remember in the 1960's we had the quantitative revolution - the belief that all human behaviour was predictable, rational and capable of being modeled.

In a world where we are becoming closer together and hence more conscious of the differences between ourselves observation is taking on a greater role in advancing us forwards - look at the weight given today to immersion and ethnography for example.

But do we only understand and explain through scientific observation? Many of the greatest philosophies and advances have come from going beyond this scientific discourse and utilising other alternative ways to understand the world.

And in a world where engagement is here for the near future at least and we are all striving for the next big thing(s) do we not need to have some non-scientific ways of looking at things? Will that not make the white coat brigade even stronger?

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