Friday, December 14, 2007
End of Year Reminiscing
At the end of the year i give myself a small window to consider what I am doing, where we have come from in the past year before sweeping that away for the new year. And I had one thought which made me think because it describes a great deal about how things have changed.
Back in 2004 when I was based in Sydney we conducted one of the *first* studies on on-line qre design which had a direct comparison of different layouts and resulting data quality and comparison. I have since seen this repeated in a number of areas. My point here is that we haven't asked the participants what they think works! Anyone remember them? And thus of course I won't share with you all of 2008 but I will share that direction.
*first* clearly doesn't necessarily mean a global first - but first in the rather limited world that I live in.
Back in 2004 when I was based in Sydney we conducted one of the *first* studies on on-line qre design which had a direct comparison of different layouts and resulting data quality and comparison. I have since seen this repeated in a number of areas. My point here is that we haven't asked the participants what they think works! Anyone remember them? And thus of course I won't share with you all of 2008 but I will share that direction.
*first* clearly doesn't necessarily mean a global first - but first in the rather limited world that I live in.