Tuesday, December 11, 2007



What are you planning for 2008? Where do you see the panel paradigm going? Will the technologies and architectures come of age so we start talking about research outcomes as opposed to 'you can do this, you can do that'?....

Hi Jon,

In my opinion, one of the biggest problems in the online research industry has been the commoditisation of panel pricing. With the market determining an acceptable price for access panels, the MR industry has faced the challenge of having to continually find recruitment sources for panels that are able to deliver a resource at this market price.

The underlying problems the industry has to face in 2008 in this pursuit are that:

1) There are a limited number of available companies from which we can buy online ad space for on-line panel recruitment at a price that will enable you to meet the market commodity price;

2) As demand for online research will at least stay at current levels, but with response rates declining, there will be even more demand for ad space on these sites to recruit;

3) The price of on-line advertising has continued to rise rapidly (in response to demand) while the commodity price for panel has remained relatively consistent

So on my list of things I will be focussing on in 2008 I have two top-priorities:

1) A much greater emphasis on offline recruiting for the on-line panels;
2) Whenever mulitple sample sources are used, I will definitively put much more effort in de-duplication with panel vendors; both periodically as well as on a project basis.

Emiel van Wegen
Hi Jon,

For me, 2008 is going to be about the user experience. Using available technology and develop new ones to provide respondents with the best experience possible. This is a necessary condition for a sustainable recruitment of new respondents beyond the usual venues mentioned earlier by Emiel. In the end, what matters is not where people come from, but where "people who stay" come from.

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