Saturday, February 24, 2007


Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales

When I was growing up a Sanger was something you ate in a sandwich and Wales was something I saw on my morning run. How strange that these two things should come back to play such a prominent role in the future of our lives.

These two guys invented Wikipedia.

Based on these principles I am reading an excellent book called 'Wikinomics' published by Portfolio. Don Tapscott demonstrates how mass collaboration is the game changer built around three current phenomenon:

- web 2.0 technologies
- the rise of the net generation G, X and Y
- the globalisation of capitalism and diminution of US / Euro dominance

These three forces have converged (by no accident I may add) to create the conditions for what he calls a Perfect Storm. This will have far reaching consequences for our industries and lives.

The question is in such a storm can we see clearly enough to navigate ourselves to a more profitable future?...

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