Tuesday, November 14, 2006


To be Sneezers or Not to be Pharmacists? That is the Question

Some time ago Seth Godin wrote about the Sneezer in the context of the idea virus. These rare and magical people could not be bought. Indeed that was their chief weapon. Due to their vast network and influence, whatever they sneezed about would become the next big thing.

Oprah is a classic example. Look at the effect of her book recommendations...Look at the impact it has had on Tom Cruise's career....

If we take this down a level we look at endorsements - someone like David Beckham would be a good case study.

The truth is now that we are all storytellers. We all have increasing personal power. Indeed with the reduction in the power of 'cut-through' advertising the only way to have effective messages about brands is to immerse them in our everyday lives.

And so I come to this great concept I have read in 'Digital Aboriginal'. Real-Life Retailing. With new technology, every time I see something that I like which I am interested in buying:

- that nice Chilean White
- that great Armani

information is stored and I can easily call it up when I next reach my PC to see all information provided by partners - pricing, reviews, distributors and so on.

So instead of trusting just Sneezers, I primarily trust my friends, my acquaintances - the Pharmacists . And this could be you. Could be me. We all have a contract with Nike for 'endorsement'.

How do we research that? How do marketers respond to that? What does that do to our panel? What about the 'pure' notion of no marketing on the panel?

Digital Aboriginal is written by Mikela Tarlow. Visit www.twbookmark.com

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