Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The New World - and this doesn't just mean the United States!

If we allow panelists to directly interact with each other in the panel environment in some semi-structured way what will that do for our panelist relationships? Will that attract new types of people? Is it a good thing? If panelists are becoming storytellers then yes, let's hear it. I am all ears.....Let me even capture your true voice! Send me your pictures digitally - who says that we cannot have a sensory experience?

When I was growing up I could not conceive of a world that was not in English. Other cultures were alien or at least not understood. Then as I grew up Latin languages became understandable and the world got a little bigger. Now I have been lucky enough to travel to many places I see the potential of human kind in all of its diversity. If we restrict innovation and technology to a western framework what are we really innovating? Surely Japan, India and China (to name but a few) offer untapped expertise and new discourses which can power new ways of doing and thinking. We have to harness this in a meaningful way

Let's stop thinking outsource. Let's start thinking engagement and opportunity to deliver new ways of doing things through different types of expertise. Now that is what I call free trade.....

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