Friday, October 20, 2006


It Takes 2 to Tango

2Pac! Y2K. Web2.0. Internet2.

What is it with the number two?

I read an article the other day (it could be out of date by now) that states that the Land Speed record for internet is held by the academic group Internet2 out of the US. This team transferred 1.1 terabytes of data from Geneva to Chicago in less than 30 minutes. That is 5.44 gig a second...

Perhaps this is out of date. I am sure that we can do better! The point is this: With connectivity at these speeds and beyond the quality of engagement and collaboration will be in the extreme. Distance will become even less of an issue than it is now. Researchers can collect insights at breakneck speed and work across more projects than ever before.

Yes there is a long tail - but the best of the best's share in research will grow. The technology will see to that through this kind of collaboration.

So which of the two do you want to be? Best of the best? In the Long Tail?

Maybe that is 2 hard a choice to make....

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