Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Internet Overload

You know the visions of the future...the internet is everywhere from ordering our milk automatically, to an IP driven cashless society to an IP generated satisfaction questionnaire when I leave the burger restaurant. Maybe, maybe not...but what is true is that we need to consider the day when access to the internet becomes universal.

Now as with anything in life, 'entitlement' drives the quality of product that we can purchase, so it will of course be the case that some people will have internet privileges over others (wireless, extra security, increased speed and so on). We should not pretend otherwise. But at some point in many markets the access to the internet will approach 100%.

What does that mean for panels? If everyone has access to the internet in some shape, way or form will it just become like a register? Will an e-mail directory ever exist? I can see that human invention will lead to a business model that could deliver such a directory. I am not saying that I would agree with it, but you have to admit that it would be a welcome hit for many marketers.

Overnight access to engagement would be on a complimentary platform. This is one that we must plan for and expect. Think of it this way:

- Marketing went from corner store to mass produced and back to personalised corner store
- Will research go from mass contact to personalised contact to mass e-mail? (No, I am not talking about Spam, rather I am talking about the accessibility of e-mail accounts). Best to clarify this point before someone jumps on me!

What do you think? Stranger things have happened..... One small step for 'A' man, one giant leap for mankind....

Hi Jon,
Yes, the Internet penetration will soon be close to 100% very soon (except for the “refuseniks” who will purposely decide to live off the network, see the Pew Internet report). Will it result in the creation of a universal directory? I don't think so. Will it result in the rebirth of spam? Even less. The universal directory was a creation of state-controlled telecom monopolies. What we will see is the opposite: only a limited number of "infomediaries" will be allowed to contact you as a consumer. Marketers and researchers will need to obtain your trust to contact you under your terms.

Being able to contact someone doesn't mean that you will have his attention. This is already true for everything including panels. The fact that members registered on your website doesn't guarantee a permanent and unlimted attention. Likewise, the fact that people register in several different panels doesn't mean that they will take every survey. Overtime, they filter out the bad survey programs that pay badly or invite them to painful surveys... The power of a sample source (which are not limited to traditional panels) is in its relationship with its users and its ability to have them participate, not in its database counts.
it's interesting that we don't yet have a mobile directory ...
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