Friday, September 22, 2006


Thoughts on Engagement to build panel quality

Currently I am upgrading the panels to have a greater engagement with panelists. This has to be the way to go since we must accept that we operate in a competitive environment for respondents (or survey / research participants) . It is meant to be fun and it needs to be beneficial in a variety of ways to panelists. Well here are some of my ideas:

-Why do we have such an issue with response rates? Well the answer of course is poor panel management (or the lack of it) where e-mails go out of date and are undeliverable and signed up panelists are lost in the clutter of so many other time intensive tasks! Questionnaires too long; points not enough; not enough surveys; surveys don't work or too boring; can I unsubscribe? You get the idea! Well what I am playing with is actually rewarding for consecutive survey completions. The more surveys I complete as a panelists consecutively the more points (bonus) I earn. I believe that permission is about anticipation, relevance and personalised. Well that leads to anticipation. Send me my survey now. I will do it!

- Stop Interrupting me! Amazing how most panels still use interruption for recruitment even though our core arguments revolve around permission! Let's use permission and engagement here too. If we are distant from direct marketing then let's do it....Creating a fan club from existing panelists. Use interested (and capable) panelists to be sneezers and recruit many other panelists. You know those people who are connected, websites, blogs, discussions - you get the idea. It is just plain efficient and actually gives better panelists with better response rates

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