Thursday, September 21, 2006


That is what I mean by Engagement

This is just one way in which I see the panel platform leading to engagement for better business insights. What about qualitative? Well there again I see a change in the similar direction.

Qualitative research has been about discrete, one off projects with Discussion Guides and Reports. This has served us well for many a year and that will not change. However we can now do things that we have always wanted to do.

- Pinpoint targeting of respondents who can give better ideas
- Ongoing dialogue in a real-time anonymous (at first) environment where all are encouraged to contribute
- Ability to go deeper than before due to the re-contact ability of the panel
- Moderator becomes a Customer Group Host
- Combining qualitative insight and verbatim with panel profiling for a 360 degree view - I believe that they call this cohesion

So if there is reverse marketing (Conversation) then this is reverse research. Sprinkle on top some Webnography to understand and get closer to the customer's world and you have real engagement - by digital camera, phone camera - even a blog!

Now we are all telling stories - not just those doing the marketing!

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