Thursday, September 21, 2006


Engagement - Looking at SMS

Yes, I have seen the light. Finally I hear you say. Now using SMS for surveys is quite sexy I guess as is SMS use to remind survey participants about a task or project which you would like them to undertake. I have witnessed great results with this, especially amongst teenagers.

Can we go further...? How about getting closer to the marketing (and sales) action? Participants SMS us their satisfaction scores or product usage as they leave the store.

I have come across a really great company who can make it happen in an incredible way! The applications of this are many and varied - but it is the ability to combine this with webnography type digital camera stills or phone camera stills that really has me excited! Marketing used to be about the meta-narrative, the one way voice and that has changed. Everyone knows that! Yet research has also been one directional in many ways (which is quite ironic as it should be one industry which has always had conversations), yet now everyone is a researcher! We all provide feedback and don't hesitate to do so. We can all provide diagnostics and evidence to support our case.

Marketing and Research had a story. Now, we are all story tellers.....We are all expert researchers!

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