Monday, February 18, 2008


Peak Community

I have seen some discussions going around recently that state that Access Panels are near an end as we know them and Communities are the way of the future. This claim is the priduct of a) emerging 2.0 architectures and capabilities and of course b) to a large extent the product of the inherent dynamics behind an Access Panel as well as the long surveys that are undertaken on Panels leading to respondent fatigue. The discourse states that we are over peak panel now. The direct analogy is to Peak Oil.

I must say that this argument is packaged nicely and I fully understand the dynamics behind it and I agree with it in many areas. However, wait. Let's think again. And Oil is a great starting point which I would like to continue.

Oil is not scarce. Some have been saying that we are going to run out for 20 years. And still we don't. And even with India and China ramping up demand considerably we are still able to meet demand easily, we just artifically push up the price by the market mechanism (just). So:

- Communities are no more a solution to the problems of panels than Wind Power is to Oil
- indeed Communities are fantastic (but not new), here to stay and thrive, but alongside the Access Panel because there are many research objectives we need to play with on a daily basis that need both

Those who pushed Peak Oil did so for a reason. And so do those who push Peak Panel. The same as those who push 'overpopulation'. I agree with the thrust of the argument but history demonstrated something on Oil. And so it will with panels - you see technical, cultural and social appraisals change - so the way we use Oil has evolved. And so will the way we use panels - to an 'engaging panel' - seen that somewhere....

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